Lindsey Higgins‎, March 27, 2018

Kim is an amazing mother, friend and worker. When she sets her mind to something, it is full steam ahead. The Lynnfield School Community would be lucky to have her and all of the parents and children in Lynnfield would feel the positive effects instantly. Kim gets things done and always with a huge smile on her face. She listens to different voices and perspectives and is incredibly thoughtful and strategic in her execution. Vote for Kim. You will be glad that you did.

Deborah Looney, March 26, 2018

I sincerely endorse Kimberlee Kossover Hansen to represent your children and families as a school board member. I have worked with Kimberlee for three years and have witnessed her work ethic, passion and enthusiasm for doing what is right for her family her community and her customers. She is not one to stand by and accept the norm. Kimberlee asks questions and challenges why changes can’t be made for better outcomes. She will no doubt be looking out for the best interest of all of the children in your community.

Jacquie Buckley‎, March 24, 2018

I have the pleasure of working with Kimberlee Kossover Hansen. She is smart, passionate and deeply committed to her work and family. She is a true leader with the natural ability to collaborate and get results. Kimberlee is also trustworthy and someone you can always count on. Commitment, transparency and collaboration are key themes of Kimberlee’s campaign and she will deliver on all three. Please cast your vote for Kimberlee Kossover Hansen for Lynnfield School Committee!

Crystal Bates, March 23, 2018

Lynnfield Public Schools and educators are some of the best around! However, as a working mother with two young kids, I do not feel my perspectives are understood or represented by our current school committee and leadership.

I am thrilled to endorse Kimberlee Kossover Hansen for Lynnfield School Committee and look forward to voting on April 10th. Kimberlee brings a wealth of business experience to the table, which will allow her to view current policies and practices through a fresh lens. She is a wonderful communicator, a thoughtful listener, and a dedicated community member who is genuinely in touch with a new population of parents. Her passion for our town is clear through her various volunteer roles, as is her enthusiasm for our children and their education. Most important to me, Kimberlee is a working mother with two young kids herself - she has a unique perspective that our current board is seriously lacking.

Lynnfield Public Schools are STRONG. But, there is always room for improvement. At a time when our schools and children are facing new (and sometimes scary) challenges every day – we need a new, strong, voice and leader who will work WITH us every step of the way.

Becky Tarr Terry, March 23, 2018

Kimberlee is one of the hardest working people I have ever had the privilege to work with. She is also an incredible mother and member of her community. I couldn’t think of a better person to represent the schools of Lynnfield. She will certainly give that same level of commitment that she gives to her family, work, friends and community to the school system and I happily endorse her.

Colleen Earley Mazurek, March 23, 2018

I whole heartedly endorse Kimberlee Kossover Hansen for the Lynnfield School Committee! She is driven, she is passionate, and she is contagiously positive. Your community will benefit from her optimistic perspectives and creative problem solving skills. I have had the pleasure of working with Kimberlee for the last 4 years, and know her to be a wonderful mother, wife, and citizen. She would truly be an asset to any committee or group!

Kristina Callen‎, March 22, 2018

I have been working with Kimberlee for several years. Above all, I admire her incredible passion for making an impact in her community. She is committed to advocating for what she believes in, but does it with a sense of enthusiasm that’s contagious. I trust that Kimberlee will bring the same integrity and spirit to Lynnfield School Committee if elected. I know she will serve her community well and for that reason, I think she deserves your VOTE!

Norrie Gall‎, March 22, 2018

As an engaged parent and volunteer in my city (and Kim's hometown) of Beverly, I believe strong in the importance of having a school committee that reflects the current needs of my schools. A school committee that includes parents of young children is a school committee that can understand current challenges. A school committee that includes pragmatic, intelligent, and forward thinkers.
Schools are a top priority for those looking to raise a family, and in this day and age of rapid technological advances, and greater research and understanding of how young minds (and bodies and souls) can thrive, it is essential that those stewarding the the schools can hold the needs of current students, and think critically about the future of education in community.

Citizens of Lynnfield have an opportunity in this coming election to vote for a woman who embodies not only the characteristics noted above, but is a deeply caring, approachable, and dedicated mother, professional, athlete, and, now, advocate.

I have known Kim since the 3rd grade, both in and out of school, as a friend, teammate, and, competitor.

I am not sure how relevant it is that she was a great friend in elementary school is, but, I can happily point to her accomplishments as an athlete. Kim was (and still is) a dedicated athlete who is able to focus deeply and do the work needed to succeed.

Her drive and expectations for the best, from herself, and for her family is evidenced in her decision to raise her family in Lynnfield.

I have had the honor of serving my community as chair of a committee, and have learned that to be effective as an advocate and innovator, it is essential to be able to hold the needs of MANY (current students, parents, those without children, and those with empty nests). It is not always easy, and requires someone who is both able to hear the concerns of many, and to keep the long term goals centered in their work.

As a town, Lynnfield can only benefit by having this highly competent, caring, and dedicated professional on the School Committee. As a parent of a school age child, taxpayer, and a current consumer of my public schools, I would welcome the opportunity to have Kim represent my concerns and hopes for the education of my child. I encourage you to connect with Kim, and learn for yourself what she will bring to your school committee.


Norrie Gall
Co-Founder, Garden City Families
Board member, Beverly Conservation Land Trust
Former Chair, City of Beverly Solid Waste Management Committee (Beverly Recycles)

Colleen Vesely, March 22, 2018

I have known Kimberlee Kossover Hansen since we became friends as young girls, growing up on the Northshore of Massachusetts. In the nearly 30 years I have known Kimberlee, she has always been energetic and hardworking. But more than this, she is an advocate, especially for those who, for one reason or another, may not be able to advocate for themselves. As a university professor in education, I work with next generation of teachers; and, as a mother of three young children, I have the opportunity to work with veteran practicing teachers. In these roles, I have a front row seat to the potential greatness and the very real challenges of our public education system, especially in these turbulent political times. There is much work to be done, and I can’t think of a more passionate hardworking person than Kimberlee Kossover Hansen who will work tirelessly on behalf of all children and families in Lynnfield.

Sarah Waywell Timm‎, March 21, 2018

I have the pleasure of working with Kimberlee Kossover Hansen. She is passionate, dedicated and invested in her children and society. I believe Kimberlee will advocate for families and have high expectations of herself and her school system if she is elected to the Lynnfield school committee. The citizens of Lynnfield are lucky to have someone like Kimberlee wanting to serve. #KKHforLynnfieldSC

Bonnie Marie, March 21, 2018

I have known Kimberlee Kossover Hansen for over 20 years. She has always been "at the top of her class" with every endeavor she decides to pursue- education, career, athletics, family, and more! Her energy, laughter, and kindness are infectious. She is devoted to her family, to her friends, and to making our world better and brighter. I enthusiastically endorse her for Lynnfield School Committee.
-Bonnie Currier, M.Ed

Patty Lynch‎, March 21, 2018

I'm proud to know Kim Kossover for over 20 years now. Her unflagging enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, and knowledgeable understanding of the needs in her community are just a few of her many talents. I am positive that as a school committee member for Lynnfield she would bring that same enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and understanding to her role and serve the city of Lynnfield in an amazing and heartfelt way. Vote for Kimberlee Kossover Hansen for Lynnfield School Committee!

Annette Kosover, February 24, 2018

As a retired educator, I certainly know and understand the importance for a school committee to have a working rapport, open lines of communication skills and effective decision makings for the good of the entire school district. Kimberlee Kossover Hansen is very steadfast in taking on challenges. As a member of the school committee, she will work tirelessly until the job is completed. She will listen to your inquiries and concerns, and she will react and will act upon them doing her "homework" to bring before the entire school committee body for resolutions and improvements. She will be your strong voice as a member of the school committee.

As a mother of two young children, one of whom is in the Lynnfield public schools and the other in preschool, she will be a strong advocate not only for her children but also for every child in the Lynnfield public schools.

I hereby endorse Kimberlee Kossover Hansen as a candidate for school committee for the Lynnfield Public Schools.