The best is yet to come!

And now for the unofficial, informal thank you to my people. You know who you are.

Throughout my campaign for School Committee I strengthened existing friendships and expanded my network to include acquaintances who quickly became close confidants and forever friends. I’ve connected with hundreds of people who share similar values and common goals; people I may not have crossed paths with had it not been for this campaign. I am truly grateful for my personal community. Whether you live in Lynnfield or not, voted or not, you have had an immensely positive effect on me. Your notes, texts, messages, emails, phone calls and coffee dates both during and in the aftermath of the election have lifted me up and re-energized one exhausted momma.

The fact that young girls (including my own daughter) looked up to me as a role model was worth this feat alone. Some friends who came to stand with me towards the end of the night shared that on the way to the polls their daughter, who is not yet 6, said to them: “I want to be like Kim when I grow up because she is smart and kind.” I may not have won this year’s race for School Commitee, but I am most definitely #winning at life!

As I explained to Lucy and Sebastian this morning, there may be times in our lives when we work really hard to achieve a goal, and just like in a triathlon or road race, we may not always win. Anytime we fall down, however, we have to get right back up again. I believe success isn’t measured by winning or losing but rather by who we bring with us along the way, the accomplishments great and small, and all of the lessons learned.

So what’s next for me; will I run again next year? Honestly, I’m not sure yet. There are a few options I’m evaluating and we shall see where things land. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy some much needed vacation time with my two favorite tiny humans and my better half.

I love you each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart, and like the song says, “baby you ain’t seen nothing yet, the best is yet to come!”

#shepersisted #relentless #inspiringyoungminds#standupspeakoutshareyourvoice #disruptthestatusquo #positivechange#continuousimprovement #growthmindset #whatsnext
